How to Measure Calf Size – Guide for Buying Perfect Wide Calf Boots

The size of your calves can vary widely, depending on factors such as genetics, lifestyle and diet. Since the circumference of your calf influences the size of clothes you can wear and the shoe sizes you choose, it’s important to measure correctly. This post is a guide on How to Measure Calf Size.

We often buy high-shaft boots and we realise that it is loose or tight. So, you should be aware of the calf size of your feet so that you can buy the perfect boot for yourself.

Knowing how to measure your calf will help you buy the right clothes and shoes or create clothes that fit better, making you feel more comfortable and confident. Here are instructions on properly measuring your calf size at home with simple tools you probably have around the house.

Being an expert in reviewing boots, I too know the struggle of buying a high-rise boot. So, let’s see the in-depth article on measuring your calf size for boots. How to Measure Calf Size

Get The Correct Measuring Tape

It would be best if you got the right measuring tape for your calf size, so make sure you buy a quality one. To measure calf size, hold your leg folded to 90 degrees and measure the circumference of your calf at its widest point.

Make sure that you buy a good quality measuring tape because these tapes can easily get stretched out, which will make them inaccurate.

Figure Out What Length Of Tape To Use

You want a tape measure that is long enough to fit around your calf but not too long. For example, if you have a 12-inch circumference, you’ll need a 36-inch tape measure. Most home improvement stores sell tape measures, which come in different lengths.

To get an accurate measurement of your calf size, you will also want to stand up from sitting down before taking the measurement; this way, there will be no slack in the tape as it circles your leg.

Place The Tape Measure On Your Skin Without Tugging It Tight

Sit on a chair and hold your bare foot, holding your leg folded to 90 degrees. With the tape, please measure the circumference of your calf at its widest point.

Laying the tape on your skin without tugging it tight, find where it meets up with itself and ensure there’s enough room for it to fit around. This will ensure an accurate reading.

Check The Caliper’s Readout For Accuracy

One way to check for accuracy is by comparing your measurements on the calliper with a standard ruler. If your calliper has centimetre markings, divide your measurement by 2.54 to get a reading in centimetres. If it has inch markings, multiply your measurement by 2.5 to get a reading in inches.

If you take measurements from several body parts, add them together, then divide by how many total readings you took. The sum should be close to your actual body weight. If it isn’t, check for user error before using your calliper again or replace it with a new one if possible.

Find Your Calf Circumference

The wide calf is one of the most difficult parts of the body to measure because it is so large and often hidden by clothing. The best way to find your calf size is by sitting on a chair with your foot propped up on a stool or table, holding your leg folded at 90 degrees.

Tape measures the circumference of your calf at its widest point, laying the tape on your skin without tightening. So, this article on How to Measure Calf Size for Boots tells you to find properly the circumference of your calves.

Add 1 Inch To The Results

Repeat this process with your other leg, and then compare the numbers. You can also use a tape measure, wrapping it around your calf at its widest point.

If you’re not sure what size to get in a shoe, take an inch off of each measurement (for example, if one calf is 17 inches and the other is 18 inches, order a shoe that accommodates up to 16 inches).


  1. If you want to know if your shoes will fit, you need a measuring tape.
  2. Calf size is measured from the widest point of the calf, not from the top of the foot or any other place.
  3. To get an accurate measurement, place your foot on a chair and wrap a measuring tape around your calf at its widest point.


  1. This is a great guide for measuring calf size, but it does have some drawbacks.
  2. For example, the circumference of your calf at its widest point is not always accurate, and there are other, more reliable’s ways to measure your calves.

Conclusion on How to Measure Calf Size

If you are unsure how to measure calf size, follow these steps, and you will be on your way. The most important thing is that you do it correctly.

So, this was all in our article. Hope you have got to learn something new. Apart from this, if you have any further queries left, do let me know. Thanks a lot for going through this article.

James Robin